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Veterinary ultrasound manufacturing company BCF Technology has released a new equine imaging course date.


BCF Technology, the leading Veterinary technological imaging company has announced the introduction of a new 'BCF Essentials of Equine Imaging' course.

The course, which is ideal for Veterinary graduates, covers both ultrasound and X-ray imaging techniques, and uses real life case studies and practical sessions to illustrate how these imaging modalities can be used most effectively in first opinion practice.

The course is held on the 8th-9th of November 2012 at Corner House Equine Clinic in Warwickshire.

The course cost is all-inclusive and includes the 1 night B&B accommodation, lunches and course dinner, which promises to be a true BCF style social event.

The course speakers include Robert Walsh and Ed Shaw of Corner House Equine Clinic and BCF in-house vet Kimberly Palgrave. 


To find out more or book a place on the course, visit the learning section of the BCF website or call +44(0)1506 460 023.





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